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1. 動物防檢疫措施


  • 「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)期間動植物檢疫證明書判定暫行措施」實施期限延長至110年6月30日
  • Extension of the Implementation Period of the Temporary Alternative Arrangements of the
    Presentation of Original Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates in the Condition of COVID-19



  • 預告修正「動物及動物產品輸入檢疫條件」第八點附件四之四「自巴拉圭輸入冷藏、冷凍供人食用牛肉檢疫條件」第一點、第七點、第八點
  • [ The draft amendment of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Deboned (chilled or frozen) Beef from Paraguay" in relation to Article 8 (Annex 4) of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Animals and Animal Products".]



  • 修正「旅客及服務於車船航空器人員攜帶動植物檢疫物檢疫作業辦法」
  • [The  amendment  of  the  "Regulations  for  Quarantine  of  Animal/Plant  Carried  by  Passengers  and  Service  Personnel  on  Vehicles."]



  • 修正「動物及動物產品輸入檢疫條件」第八點附件四之四「自巴拉圭輸入冷藏、冷凍供人食用牛肉檢疫條件」部分規定
  • [The amendment of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Deboned (chilled or frozen) Beef from Paraguay" in relation to Article 8 (Appendix 4-4) of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Animals and Animal Products"]



  • 修正「豬精液輸入檢疫條件」
  • [Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Porcine Semen]



  • 「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)期間動植物檢疫證明書判定暫行措施」實施期限延長至110年12月31日
  • Extension of the Implementation Period of the Temporary Alternative Arrangements of the
    Presentation of Original Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates in the Condition of COVID-19



  • 「輸入應施檢疫物檢疫準則」草案
  • The Draft of the Regulations for the Importation of Objects Subject to Animal Quarantine.]



  • 預告修正「動物及動物產品輸入檢疫條件」第七點及其附件三之十五「自巴拉圭輸入胎牛血清檢疫條件」
  • The draft of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Fetal Bovine Serum from Paraguay".]



  • 修正「申請公告為動物傳染病非疫區之作業程序」,並將名稱修正為「申請認定為動物傳染病非疫區國家(地區)之作業程序」
  • [The amendment of the "Procedure for the Recognition of Infectious Animal Disease-Free Status of a Foreign Country".]


2. 植物防檢疫措施


  • 「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)期間動植物檢疫證明書判定暫行措施」實施期限延長至110年6月30日
  • Extension of the Implementation Period of the Temporary Alternative Arrangements of the
    Presentation of Original Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates in the Condition of COVID-19



  • 預告修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第一點、第十點
  • [ The draft amendment of Part B of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第十六點及其附件「茄屬及番椒屬種子輸入檢疫條件」
  • [ Emergency measures for Solanum spp. And Capsicum spp. seeds.



  • 預告訂定「特定物品輸入核准辦法」草案
  • [ The draft of the "Regulations for Approving Imports of Designated Regulated Articles ".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第一點、第十點
  • [ The amendment of Part B of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第十六點附件「茄屬及番椒屬種子輸入檢疫條件第二點」
  • [ The amendment emergency measures for Solanum spp. and Capsicum spp. seeds.]



  • 「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)期間動植物檢疫證明書判定暫行措施」實施期限延長至110年12月31日
  • Extension of the Implementation Period of the Temporary Alternative Arrangements of the
    Presentation of Original Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates in the Condition of COVID-19



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件部分規定
  • [ The amendment of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products".]



  • 刪除「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第十六點「茄屬及番椒屬種子輸入檢疫條件」
  • [ The amendment emergency measures for Solanum spp. and Capsicum spp. Seeds. ]



  • 修正「特定植物檢疫物及物品輸入核准辦法」
  • [ The amendment of the "Regulations for Approving Imports of Designated Plant Regulated Articles". ]



  • 訂定「特定物品檢疫物輸入核准辦法」
  • [ The implementation of the "Regulations for Approving Imports of Designated Regulated Articles".]



  • 訂定「美國威斯康辛州產新鮮西洋參輸入檢疫條件」
  • [ The implementation of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Fresh American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) from Wisconsin of the United States".]



  • 「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」部分規定修正草案
  • [ The draft amendments of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products" and the "Quarantine Requirements for Wood Packaging Material used in Imported Commodity".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第十點
  • [ The amendment of Paragraph 10, Part B of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products"]



  • 「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」甲、禁止輸入之植物或植物產品第1點第46項、乙、有條件輸入植物或植物產品之檢疫條件第2點第5項
  • [ The amendment of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」甲、禁止輸入之植物或植物產品第一點第三項
  • [The amendment of Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1 of Part A of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products".]



  • 修正「中華民國輸入植物或植物產品檢疫規定」部分規定
  • [The amendment of the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products" and the "Quarantine Requirements for Wood Packaging Material used in Imported Commodity".]
